Get Your Military Discount

Thank you for choosing to shop with us. As a company founded and operated by veterans, we value the commitment and sacrifice of our brothers and sisters in arms. In honor of your service, we’re excited to offer you a special veteran discount.

Before you proceed, we ask you to kindly remember the honor, courage, and integrity that form the cornerstone of our military tradition. These aren’t just words – they are a lifestyle. They speak of the commitment we made to protect our nation, to serve with honesty, and to live by a code that values truth above all else.

If you are a veteran, please go ahead and fill in the form. No one but you will verify this information. We believe in the innate honesty of our customers, particularly those who claim to have served our nation.

If, however, you’re considering misrepresenting your service, we urge you to reflect. We won’t be checking, but you will know. You will carry the knowledge that you claimed the honor earned through the hard work, bravery, and sacrifices of others. Our discounts are a small token of gratitude to those who have served. Misusing them won’t harm us, but it may say something about the person making that choice.

Please think about the implications before you proceed. This isn’t about us. It’s about you, your integrity, and how you choose to respect – or disrespect – the sacrifices made by our veterans. Every choice we make adds to the person we are and the person we will become.

We hope you will choose truth, respect, and honor, just as our veterans did when they chose to serve our nation.

Thank you, and happy shopping.